importance of general knowledge for the monks in this modern world, Geshe Karma Thubten, the first Monastery school principal of the new
Monastery school, set up a curriculum that was more in tune with the modern world and integrated monastic principles. Following the Universal Education principles set out by Karma Thubten Rinpoche,
a curriculum combining the Nepalese School syllabus and
Universal Education was developed. The general school education runs concurrent
with the intense philosophical study program. High quality education is must in
a modern society, but establishing and maintaining this high quality level
poses a great challenge to the resources of the monastery.
More qualified teachers are needed.
Competitive wages and extras, such a travel allowance, free
food and paid holidays will attract more qualified & motivated teachers.
Access to modern educational resources, teaching material and books need to be
Sang Chöling Monastery was founded in 1681 A.D at Phulasi by
Lama Karma Thupten and again renovated in 1983 A.D by his generation in the
tradition of Karma chyosang. A respected meditation master in the tradition of
the Kagyu Lineage, Lama Karma Thupthen personally guides this active Dharma
community, providing opportunities for students all levels. In addition to a
daily schedule of practice, study and work, the monastery offers weekend
seminars taught by Lama Karma Thupthen and courses led by visiting Lamas.
The goal is to offer good education on all levels to all the
monks who have dedicated their lives to the study and correct understanding of
the Buddha Dharma. We need more qualified teachers for different subjects,
including philosophy studies. We need your help.
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