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Napal Yolmo Chuchang Association is a charitable organisation founded in 2007, under the auspices of Lama Padam Yolmopa, who is the patron and guide. Napal Yolmo Chuchang Association is an umbrella body that organises many different charitable projects and activities, focusing on strengthening the monastic sangha, education and empowering young people – all through cultivating non-material values (Inner Wealth).

Strengthening the monastic sangha:

Padam, has spiritual responsibility of monasteries in Phulasi. Spread the Kagyu lineage teachings beyond, one of his express wishes was that, just as before that, monasteries were established to provide a special environment for those who wished to devote their lives to the study, practice, and preservation of the Buddha’s supporting and growing the monastic sangha, main vehicle for providing this support in Phulasi. This will provide the possibility for Lama or monks to learn and pass on the traditional Kagyu lineage teachings.

The monastic sangha is crucial to help ensure the Buddha-dharma’s benefit for all sentient beings. Without it, I would say that it would be very, very difficult for the Buddha-dharma to flourish.

Education and literacy:

A profound Buddhist insight – which has implications and promise for all of society – is that every problem, every conflict, comes from a lack of understanding. Padam, therefore, focuses much of his activity on education. With education comes understanding. With education, problems and conflicts can be overcome.

Defines education as “knowledge that offers compassion and wisdom”. Cultivating our innate values of compassion and wisdom – our Inner Wealth – enables us to experience peace.

As Padam explains:

“Healthy education balances different types of wealth – Inner Wealth and outer wealth. Yes, we need to educate ourselves and use material (outer) wealth as a tool to meet our own and each other’s basic human needs. But there is a risk that if we emphasise too much on this aspect of education that the world becomes more materialistic, without nurturing the value of values.”

Education is key to padam’s vision to create an environment in which we value values. By first cultivating non-material values, our outer wealth – money and material objects – can become a valuable tool to help benefit all beings.

Learning the value of values:

Information and practical knowledge is useful. But what kind of knowledge has the most benefit? Teaches values that expand our view beyond ourselves and our material concerns. These non-material values are key to the development of human beings. According to padam, developing our consciousness, our understanding, is the best investment in life that we can make:

“Education shapes our minds. If we don’t teach values and nurture Inner Wealth, then when there is a crisis, we often find that first and foremost there is a crisis in values.

The purpose of our life is much more than to survive, much more than sustaining the physical body – it is to help develop consciousness. The emphasis and direction of education should therefore be not just about accumulating information to serve outer wealth, but to help develop consciousness, to help young people nurture their innate values of wisdom and compassion for the benefit of society.”

“Literacy is crucial to building understanding in our world. Becoming literate – from basic reading and writing skills, to developing a broad understanding of the issues we seek to address – is important for all of us.

Without literacy we can fall into misunderstandings and judgments. Small problems like family problems. Or problems on a larger scale like countries and nations.”


Basic literacy and numeracy skills empower us to communicate and participate in society. When we become literate in a topic, we are able to exchange intelligent ideas, teach and benefit others.

In Buddhist terms, the more we understand, the more we can be of use and benefit others. This is why Karmapa is working to support projects to promote literacy in India and around the world.


Traditional values in Buddhism are non-material: compassion, nonviolence, and generosity, to name a few. So, to be a good human being, do we have to give up material wealth? Not at all. Material wealth is not in itself a negative thing.

“Outer wealth, that is, material wealth, can be a beneficial tool if used in an appropriate manner.” When we invest in Inner Wealth, we will naturally use our outer wealth in the most beneficial way. To start, we need to appreciate the value of values.

“It is essential that non-material values are supported, to help us cultivate balanced and beneficial human beings, who also use their material wealth for the greatest benefit of our fellow human beings.” 

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